Hi, I’m Matthew Riley, a software engineer from Toronto, ON.
Current Work (December 2023) - JungleReader
I’m currently working as a software engineer for IMAX, in their streaming technology group. In my spare time, I have been developing a feed reader called JungleReader. Try it at https://www.zajungle.com. It is a flexible feed-reader where you can follow Mastodon feeds, YouTube channels, Reddit pages, etc. in one place.
On GitHub: https://github.com/mgriley/BigOlJungle
Past Work (September 2022) - Warp Tango
I’ve been developing an indie game called Warp Tango full-time for the past little while.
It’s a multiplayer, zombie-survival type game for desktop, coming to Steam soon.
Here’s the devlog: https://www.madsaurgames.ca
My Posts
- GitHub: https://github.com/mgriley/
- Portfolio: https://portfolio.mriley.ca
- Mastodon: https://mastodon.social/@mriley
- Contact: mgriley97@gmail.com